Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Tarot Reading

Heeeeyyyyyy halo halo haloo
I've just take a Tarot Reading session. It was fun, really. But I don't believe the result because I just take it just for fun hahaha.
Here's my readings....

1. Approaching risks and opportunities (five of pentacles)

you will have to experience some events that will lead to utter sadness. you will be let down. perhaps one of your best project will be turned down or maybe you will fail a test or a love affair will come to an end. during this time, you will be supported by your friends, but you may have to suffer tremendously.

comments : yaaaa gue sudah menggagalkan midtest kimia gue hahaha

2. How you acted til today (four of swords)

you are an open minded person. to be able to deal with the question, you are given advice by the people around you and try different ways. you are trying to be creative in dealing with the question by setting your usual habits aside.

comments : wowowowow

3. Your feelings til now (king of wands)

you like making progress patiently and safely. you attach a great deal of importance to achieving your goals. you are very much keen on your work. you enjoy being succesfull and praised. however, you are a bit envious.

comments : amiiin. semoga gue sukses secepatnya

4. How you are seen in this problem (king of swords)

you have a strong influence on people. you can make others listen to you. you are very effective in dealing with the question. some people may charging you being concieted.

comments : hmm even if I can make others listen to me, I don't really like to being spotted

5. How you have to be seen now (six of wands)

you should be generous and help those in need to your best. you should pay close attention to the problems of those around you. be simple and helpful. you should stay away of being vain.

comments : tenang sajaa, saya orangnya helpful kok

6. What you may feel from now (nine of cups)

you have been going through a period when you have to handle some troubles and agony. you should share all your feelings with the people around you and try to overcome them in this manner. you should feel strong spiritually.

comments : nah ini baru susah ..

7. What you have to do in future (four of pentacles)

you should know that you will have to go through some frustation. you should show your reaction against all you had to suffer. don't hide your worries away. you should show your reaction even if you are angry or upset. you should show that you have grown cold towards some things you used to cherish. yet, you should also try not to be driven into numbness or a dissolution.
comments : okay, let's seee .....

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